
Archive for May 22nd, 2008

My disgust at High Gas Prices and the resulting high prices everywhere else.

We went grocery shopping yesterday, spent 4hrs appx at WM (gotta get you moneys worth) and spent alittle over 500 dollars on groceries and non food items we needed. Considering that prices are rising everywhere due to high Crude oil prices this time last yr we prob spent 400 or so and got more food and whatnot. Right now my truck (2002 Dodge Dakota Sport) gets about 16-18 mpg (no we cant afford to get a different vehicle w/better gas mileage) so a 50mile round trip to get groceries cost us about 10 dollars in gas. Not alot I know but it’s enough that we dont go grocery shopping more than once a month and pick up stuff we need at the small corner store inbetween trips or we give MIL some cash and a list if she is goin to the store. She doesnt seem phased by the high gas prices and goes wherever she wants whenever she wants. 

Ok thats enough of a rant 🙂 I have alot more to say on the subject but here isnt the place and now isnt the time.

Yes I pirated the title partially from several blogs I read because it seems to fit the moment.

In knitting news: I did get the second slipper past the heel turn the other day and almost have the gusset done. I didnt knot at all yesterday because I was way to tired after the shopping trip and knew if I even thought about picking up the yarn and needles I’d be asleep before I could get the first row done 🙂 I havent got more than the first 4 rows on the other 2 pair done but will work on them today as soon as I get the gusset done on the first one. Am hoping to get the other 2 through the heel turn and possibly further today and some updated pics taken. I am also gonna upload the updated Sannybug Jaywalkers to Flickr and then to Ravelry. I will also send Ray a pic of them too so he can see how they are looking so far 🙂 I’ll either post updated pics here tonite in a later post or tomorrow depending on how tired I am later. Thats all the news I have for this am will see ya’ll later today or tomorrow!


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